Ryan will be home soon--like less then 3 hours soon. So I thought after the missing him, I would tell you 10 reasons why I love him.
1- He loves me for who I am. I am everything to him, as he is to me, but I love that he lets me know that. He is always telling me how "hot" I am, especially on those days when I really need to hear it. He seems to just know. He gets home sick for us. I think leaving is harder on him than it is on us. He is my best friend and will call me in the middle of the day to tell me about something funny he just did. I love it!
2- Ryan is an awesome dad! The kids look forward to the time when he gets home each day. Most of the time he tries to never have meetings at night because once he is home, he doesn't want to have to leave.
3- He enjoys cleaning and finds a lot of pride and satisfaction in making the house look great. And I do have to admit, he is better at it then me in a lot of ways. He also loves to take care of the yard and the garden.
4- He is 100% committed to anything he does. If he doesn't want to be part of something, he won't. But when he commits you can bet he will see it through and make it amazing and way more than anyone expected.
6- He loves to be a kid. Sports don't mean much to him, but Saturday morning cartoons, oh yeah! The kids love that he knows as much or more about them then they do. He has been teaching them to appreciate all the "old school" stuff from when we were kids. It is all on the Internet just waiting to be watched. You Tube resurrects it all for us. Oh and the Star Wars Lego collection is out of control.
7- He is sensitive and sweet in the way that everyone wants their husband to be. He sends me flowers and writes sweet notes for me to find. He knows it is important to spend time together just the 2 of us, and tries to create opportunities for that. Date Night, but other things too. Let's be realistic, it doesn't happen every day, but he is great about making me feel special. He gave me the best gift after Clark was born. A massage! See he knows whats up. There are a lot of occasions when he lets me leave and have time for myself. A rarity with 4 kids, but he knows I need it and makes sure I have it. He helps out around the house without having to be nagged. I hate nagging and try not to do it so it is nice that he doesn't make me do it.
8- He honors the role of father and husband. He honors his priesthood authority. He is the head of our household and I appreciate it. He can get action from the children in ways I cannot. I have a lot of respect for his opinion when it comes to our family. I have learned on more than one occasion that he knows what is the best for our family, as it should be. It gives me such a feeling of strength to know I can rely on his judgement.
10- He is an eternal optimist! He says I am pessimistic, but I say realistic. He loves to dream and talks about our future and the limitless possibilities it holds for us. It is my natural reaction to bust out the realism and tell him why it would never happen, but I think I am getting better at dreaming with him. Who cares if we never own our own Leer Jet, we can still think it could happen someday right?
Oh how sweeeet! What a touching love note to share with us all Lisha! You sure picked a great guy, and you are perfect for each other.
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