Monday, August 29, 2011

First Day of School, 2011

First day of school!  First day of school!  Nemo was excited and so were all my kids.  Luke woke up at 5:58 am.  Emma was the first one dressed and ready to go.  At 6:30!  Emma is the child that I have to push and prod to do anything and who slept in until well past 9 all summer long.  They were all ready to walk out the door at 6:45 when I abruptly stopped them and forced them to eat breakfast, and take lots of fun first day pictures.  Luke wanted to go NOW but I tried to explain to him that no one would be there at 6:30 in the morning.  He didn't believe me.  Maybe tomorrow I will let them go early, just so they can see for themselves. 

 Ally 5th grade
 Luke, 1st Grade
 Emma, 3rd Grade
 Clark, will be 3 on Thursday
 Ryan, That's Mr. Hansen to you
 Love the fingers!
 Miss Ehlers, Luke thinks she is cute. 
 Mrs. Westover, Ally also had her for 3rd and Em had her for reading last year.  SO excited to be in her class again.
Miss Wright, brand new teacher this year who loves all things Disney...we already love her!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Smith Family Reunion 2011

We had our reunion in Island Park this summer, at our friends, The Wells cabin.  We were in charge this year, so it was a little more stressful then it usually ever is.  I thought it was fun and I am pretty sure everyone else had fun.  When we planed the reunion, we were hoping to buy a house.  We certainly didn't know we would close the week before the reunion or we probably would have planned it for a different week.    Needless to say, a few things were over looked, like the oars for our canoes. 

What would have been a leisure 2 hour trip down the river from Big Springs to Macks Inn, turned into a four our drag...Ryan walked most of the way dragging the rest of us all tied together in boats and canoes.  And by us I mean my family and a couple cousins and one sister in law.  Everyone else had a pretty normal trip...except my sisters family who's raft got a hole in it.  They had to get out and walk to the end of the river trip.  They made it back 30 minutes before us though. 

We were smart enough to not take the camera in the water with us, so the funniest thing that happened has no documentation.  But the rest of the reunion was captured well.  Here are some fun pics...warning there are lots!

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